Saturday, April 20, 2019

                                                    The Humor of God

God has made a creation with an infinite of variety living structures. Maybe God likes to play around with variety since his capacity for variety is infinite also..  Why have limited sameness? And since he has all capacity to create and also seems to have a sense or joy and humor in creativity, why should he not express it in many ways in his creation? Perhaps creation is the play of God, and as humans engage in play, it is for God's pleasure to give creativity a wider meaning. 

What I am looking for here are examples of God's humor in his creation. Did God make some things funny just for the fun of it? Certainly humans do that in art and in many ways. Is not creation the art of God in which we can expect humor like he has implanted in man? WOW! This is a subject I have never heard of. Let’s look for examples of humor in the creations of God.

Isn't it weird/funny how elephants have long noses which they use like hands for eating? Can't imagine humans trying to eat like that. But elephant's noses are also multipurpose. They can discipline the young and fight off enemies. They can also be used for taking a shower or otherwise playing around. Truly a multi-functioning nose!

Why do giraffes have such long necks? Humans would look really weird with such an distinction. But it is normal for giraffes and useful for eating leaves off trees. Seems normal for them and we are used to it. Fortunately they are not shaped also like the hippopotamus or the rhinoceros. These animals are so fat they are funny. And to have a horn on the top of a nose? Seems God is having a lot of creative fun doing what only he can do.

Why do kangaroos have such short front legs? Because they didn't need them for walking. The back legs make up for them and they get around well. And they have a built-in pocket to carry their young.

What has 4 appendages/feet and uses the front ones for walking mainly in the first year of life?
Yes, that's us. But our monkey friends use all four for walking and eating their whole life time. Do they make better use of their limbs than we?

It may be that there are no human beings with identical faces. Maybe. We laugh and think some people sure look weird. God must like individuality, showing off what he can do in several billion kinds of faces. It is funny how clever God is; we just have to laugh at our imagination!

We laugh at many animals when they imitate us. Monkeys can act like us in some ways that amuse us. Or the big smiles of dolphins. Even dogs can withdraw their lips like they are laughing. Some also seem to have such emotions of caring, almost like human. When we visit our son, their little dog is begging for attention until we greet him. The creativity of birds building nests is also so special it is hilarious. Why does every generation of birds build nests like the previous one?  Some also imitate humans in self defense so much that it is humorous e.g. robins when you get too near their nest. .

I read of some insect or creature that has one function- only to reproduce- and then it dies. Never even eats. At least humans have several funny habits they enjoy.

Where does nature get its humor? It can only come from God as he dishes out his nature on his creation. Perhaps mankind has rarely connected our humor to its source. Humor is no accident. It is breaking the norm of what we would expect that amuses us. God is like that. Always breaking our expectations. Humor should help us understand God better. Our ancestors who thought Jesus never laughed did not understand the Humor of God. Isn't that funny???

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