Sunday, December 24, 2017

                                     GOD, OUR LOVING CRE ATOR

We have long believed in God, our loving creator. We have mused on the meaning for us in this present world and imagined what it may mean for our life beyond this world in Heaven. But how many if anybody has actually pushed this conviction to its logical dimension? This is of course impossible as we say we believe in an infinite God and we know that we are only finite beings in every way except that we will live eternally and are given some degree of creativity and love whose limits we do not know. So here in this essay we want to push out our understanding of what it may mean to have a God that is both infinitely loving and infinitely creative. It is an act of worship to reflect on this subject. It will be finite, limited to what we can perceive by the Spirit of God living within the creativity that God has imparted to us.
Basically I find it hard to believe that this God would have made only one earth with people on it. What was He doing before He dreamed up this intricate world? Its creation was a 7 day job according to Scripture, although its preparation may have been untold millennium longer. From our perspective, Earth is the only planet likely to have beings on near to our kind as we require a medium temperature for existence. But there may be many solar systems beyond this one which may as well have beings near our kind on at least one “earth” or perhaps many earths. There may also be many kinds of beings not limited to our temperature span, so that any planet may have different structures of beings. After all, God is not of our physical kind but of Spirit, who is not limited to our limitations of time and space and physical matter. We accept angels to be of another dimension. As logically, there may be any number of planets or stars inhabiting created being between what we call physical and Spiritual. There may be other dimensions of beings with whom a loving God can communicate.
It is God’s nature to love his creation just as we love our creations. Children are our creation, formed by the gift of creativity God has implanted in his creation of us. We would give our lives for our children just as God would and did in Christ. But being finite, we can love only so many children intensely. God can love any number of people in his infinite love. I suppose if we could love many more children and provide for them we might have wanted many more. God has no such limitation. He can have a billion as easily as a few. And care about all of them and keep tract of them. How finite we are relative to Him! It only makes sense that he would want what we would call an infinite number of children for his infinite love to be spread throughout his universe. It makes little sense that we would claim that we are his total concern here on planet earth which resolves around only a medium sized star. While we perceive what we believe is his infinite love for us, how obvious it is that he has “other sheep not of this fold”!
Some years ago I was on our orange farm on a Sunday morning watching over our half-reaped fruit. It was a time of worship out there in nature, reflecting on the kindness of God in giving us this ten acre farm of oranges. At one time that morning I was walking across the farm, through the grass observing trees still to be picked as well as other kinds of fruit trees I had planted. Suddenly I was filled with exuberance and gushed out, “God, are you enjoying this as much as I am?! I went home and drew a map of every tree and entitled it, “The Garden of God”. Here he gave us this farm to enjoy as we can in our limited way. But he had million of acres of farms, valleys, mountains, woods, lakes, rivers, and oceans even here on this little planet. Certainly he made it for us to enjoy, but nobody has even seen more than a minute fraction of all he has made. I was so impressed once about the beauty of wild flowers that I began to video them enlarged to see their intricate beauty.
For whom was this beauty created? Certainly not for humans only. For his own joy he made them as well as to share the beauty with us. We could as well focus on any aspect of his creation and be just as amazed, from the building block of matter, the tiny atom with dozens of components man has already identified and observed in the varieties in the elements recognize by science; likely we are still on the frontier of our understanding of matter; to the mystery of an endless universe, endless to our limits of scientific perception, which expands with every new way of perceiving matter, from telescopes to light detection or what ever they used to “see” into space.
Why did God make it so big and intricate that it is mind-boggling if we try to understand much of it? With reverence I would suggest it was for his amusement and joy of creating what he could; much more as we also try to create something new with that drive to push out and try our ability to create, an instinct we definitely have from him. Art, inventions, architecture, infrastructures, and literature are examples of this divine drive to create what we can because we can. So God loves His world- the universe, and pays attention to the smallest building blocks of matter even as an artist focuses on the smallest element of his work, in order to create the big picture of his vision. The universe is this picture of his creative imagination that he created for himself to express himself.
It is not enough that God made an infinite universe. He created life in order to relate to his creation somewhat on his level. A pagan writer noted that “we also are of his offspring”. We are made in his image, an idea we accept by faith but can’t fully describe in all the dimensions of that hereditary factor as we do not know our Parent even as we do not fully understand ourselves. What we can be sure of is that it is a dimension of his love that he wants someone to relate to, so he made children like himself to have that contact with. If there is any downside to God’s love, it is that it makes him lonely when he is alone, or has too few children for his expansive love. How he yearns to have more children to love, who will know and recognize him and love him back! How he yearns to expand the number of recipients of that love!
Throughout the eons of our time measurements he most likely has created countless worlds of creatures, plants, matter, and people to relate to. How many worlds have opted to freely love him when given a choice as we have been, and how many made the foolish choice of our first ancestors who imagined God may not have told them the whole truth? In his infinite love, he desired to give his created children the choice to love, trust, and listen to him. How beautiful it is of that love that he also finally seals that choice for those who recognize him, giving them respite and eternal joy in Heaven! Apparently he can’t stand to let the Deceiver plague us beyond this limited earthly life. He wants to gather his loved ones to himself to be safely with him, as we say, forever. That may just be the next step of his eternally creative love. Meanwhile, he has a wonderful “time” creating new worlds and new peoples in his ongoing quest to pursue and enlarge the fellowship of those who know him. He welcomes those who know his heart to participate in bringing multitudes into his fellowship of infinite love. Sept. 21, 2009

                                            Why Did God Come to Earth as Jesus?

Why did Jesus come to earth as a man? Is that a question asked too many times to still be fresh? We can answer the question simply- “Because God so loved the world” Yet in this season another insight comes to me that I may just have touched on in my blogs but not fully That's the issue- can we grasp the whole meaning of the WHY it had to be that way.

I have long been enthralled by the mystery of the infinity of God. His power is infinite. He knows all things, He created a universe that is always expanding physically as scientist are looking further into space. As electronic microscopes and other ways of measuring the infinitesimal, building blocks keep getting smaller and smaller and more complicated. The human body no doubt has complexities that will keep scientists and the medical profession preoccupied for ever, to understand all aspects. One could also ask philosophical questions like, “If God is all powerful and good, why doesn't he solve the world's problems in a blink of an eye?”

The more I think about God, and I have been asking questions for over 7 decades, the more I am convinced that I know only a very slight amount of the whole nature of God. How much more is God, than suggested by the above questions? I feel lost, bewildered, and humiliated to think that I have thought that I know about God to any extent. Actually, the more I think, the less I believe that I know much of the entirety of God- what he really is like as the whole of his nature. This is where Christmas comes in.

God did want us to know something about himself. Not his whole nature; we can push that out endlessly with no assurance of satisfaction. But what was important to God that we should know about him? What really does he care about, for us to know? What is important to him for us to know? That is what Jesus came to show us. He did not answer all our questions about God; only what was really important to God for us to know about him. To study Jesus is to learn what was in the mind of God in sending Jesus. This is a life long pursuit. I expect we will have major surprises about God when we get to Heaven! We can only learn here and now what God wanted to reveal about himself in sending Jesus. (And later from the Spirit) I couldn't more than begin to say here what God wants to tell us through Jesus, but we know he waned to declare that he is basically love to us in every situation. That he has a way for us to live that is superb beyond the imagination of mankind. He also wanted us to know that he loves us in spite of our childish, rebellious heart that is often very foolish. He even takes the blame for us and forgives us of all that.

Jesus came to show and tell us about the nature and will of God for us. God is so different infinitely that we would have no grasp of who he is had he not become one of us to radiate forth his true nature- at least what he wants us now to know about him. (I have mused to wonder if he has come to all of his fallen nature- animals- atoms- in many other forms to show who he is. But that is another subject.) We just see that he had to become one of us as we would not have grasp what was most important to God for us to know. Yes, Christmas can have more meaning for us every year as long as we live, Because God has a lot more to show us about himself, I am convinced. (See the blog “God our Loving Creator” 2/5/13 for more on this infinite God.)

Saturday, December 16, 2017

                                       To Like and To Love
            (For anyone contemplating marriage, or weighing their relationship)

When do you like a person and when do you love someone? If you like being around a person, is it because you love them[him or her], or like the person for the pleasant feeling it gives you to be there? Obviously you don't really like being with someone if it is unpleasant to be there even if you would make some sacrifice for the person out of love.

To like a person is to feel good about their presence because the person makes you feel good. But love is a commitment not limited to the good feeling you get from being in harmony with that person. It is caring about the person whether or not you may like the persons at a given moment.

It may be that before marriage, you may like a person very much, but would not be willing to make a sacrifice if things got really rough in your relationship, or if you were very disappointed in that person. After marriage, in the commitment of faithfulness and permanent love, you are committed to to care regardless how you feel, whether or not you like how the person is relating to you at the moment or generally. Thus it may be that liking the person dominates the relationship before marriage and love is the commitment in marriage.

So, when you cuddle up to your partner, is it liking or loving? If it is only for your own feelings, it is liking. If it is also because it makes her or him feel good, it is also loving. It is both when it is what you both want to give to each other and what you want to receive and it makes you both feel good. It is the same for sex. It can be mutually positive, or for the benefit of one more than the other.

If closeness is only for the liking of one of the person, it becomes a matter of self interest, and becomes a turn-off for the less interested person. Unless closeness is for the sake of the other person, unselfishly. I suppose all relationships should keep a balance of loving and liking: or loving above liking. Certainly to love a person you don’t like some imperfections in part becomes a test of a real relationship. Hopefully, one both likes and loves the person you marry. Usually in marriage one discovers traits you don't really like. It is love that carries you through in the commitment to a permanent relationship.
                                    When You Really Love A Person

You care as much or more about the other person as you do about yourself.
You are often looking for ways to please the other person.

You can keep on loving even over time, trials, and distance.
You would rather see the other person happy than yourself happy.

You can share unpleasant tasks with the other person as well as fun activities.
You can listen carefully to the other person even when you disagree.

You will think what is good for the other person and not only what pleases yourself.

You will often give in to the other person.
You will say it kindly when you disagree with a person.

You can wait for many things, like lunch, going somewhere, or sex.
You can discuss reasons and issues, beyond your own feelings on them.

There is time to plan your life with the other person.
You want to learn about this person as long as you live.

You want to be within communicating distance to this person as much as possible.

You seek common agreement with each other;
You try to agree, not emphasize disagreement.

You will want to do many things in life with this person.
You want the other person to become all he or she can be in life.

Your feelings for this person grow and you discover new reasons to love.
You can see the other person's weaknesses and still love the person.

Even after an argument, you would still sacrifice your life for each other.
Your love is a two way street; you both love each other.

                                         Loving With Heart and/or Mind

We love with our heart when that is who we are. We love with our minds when that is just what we feel we should do in the situation where we find ourselves.

God loves because he is love. He does not decide that he should love people because of their situation. He just loves because that is his nature. We may love because it is the social call for action; for example, if someone gives us a gift. Or because it is the right thing to do to be consistent with our beliefs, like loving the unloving person next to us.

There are persons who, like my mother-in-law, loved because of her heart of love. I doubted she gave it any thought that she should hug us whenever we came to their home. She was just being who she was. Her husband also could show love, like hugs, but it seemed more because it was just the appropriate thing to do- not as spontaneous with joy and affection.  

When a couple prepares to sleep at the end of a day, they may hug or cuddle spontaneously. But after they have slept and one wakes up, he or she may consider whether snuggling close would be love if it may disturb the partner. Perhaps loving intentionally would be to leave the person alone. This would be loving with both heart and mind. Thinking what love would be in that situation.

If a person tends to love with the mind frequently, fitting into the situation suggesting loving expressions, can one shift, to become a person loving with the heart as well- loving from the depth within? It could be assumed this could happen with a married couple if the mind-loving person thinks about loving and responding to the love initiations of the partner. Perhaps also by being loved, a person may acquire a sense of love that had not been strong in his life earlier. It may also be that when a person shows love as a part of Christian commitment, e.g., perhaps as a missionary, or pastor, a spouse, or anyone, a capacity to love from the heart will also grow on him.

Another source of growing to love from the heart may be that of fellowship with God. Recognizing God's love in a person's life in so many ways from birth or before, may lead one to be a more loving person when one is thankful daily for that continuous love. Why not also ask God to give you a heart of love so you can love spontaneously and not just because it is the suitable things to do?

There should be various ways, then, that a person can grow in loving with the heart, rather than loving mainly where loving is the expected response. I have learned to be much more loving from the heart to my spouse by living a life of loving many people I meet in life. In Belize, it was the children and needy person who came to us daily. Loving them intentionally has grown in me a heart of love far beyond that which I had as a youth. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

                                                        This Ole House

There are some things that sometimes seem to preoccupy us which ordinarily are somewhat less time consuming. Currently, one such thing is a rental house we have had since the early 1980's. It is about 150 years old and has survived many other old houses in Elkhart.

 It is hard to know where to begin telling about “this ole house” The saga began about a month ago when we got a morning call from the Elkhart Police that they had visited the house on an issue with their dogs. He said it was in all confusion and smelled bad and that the Code Enforcement might want to see it. They did come out in a day or so and did not even go in because of the roaches all over and on the furniture on the porch where somebody was helping the residents clear the house. They posted it for non-habitation. After that police report I gave them a letter demanding they move out and take whatever with them. But in a day or so “Code” demanded extermination and a new inspection. But with all the stuff, it could not be exterminated until stuff was removed. All 3-4 huge trailer loads. Loretta sorted through so much and much good was mixed in with mattresses, clothes and just plain trash. (We saved perhaps 20 bags of stuff for the lady of the house who is in jail, storing it across the street in a garage of ours.) Why did they hoarded so much and not pay rent? E.g. I counted about 200 tin can of food scattered in the house including two cans of peaches under the two beds!   “Code” was unsympathetic and gave us the options, perhaps their choice, whether the house should be demolished or repaired.  I told Conrad I was at my wits end and ready to give up. He said the house would be worth $20,000 if we’d fix it up. I gave him the charge. He said he fixed up about 10 houses like this and saved them from the city’s obsession to tear down all old houses.  So the plan was, to empty the house and back yard and downstairs and paint everything and tear out the carpets that were likely the cause of the smell. So that occupied our time the last 3 weeks. Yesterday Code was out again and told us all the things to fix and for us getting ready to sell it. We are so thankful for Conrad’s expertise and leadership in all this. 

Today (November 28) we are taking the day off, the first in a while. In all this, I learned how little emotional and physical strength I have for much stress. Daily after several hours on the job I would be physically and emotionally exhausted. So this is a day off, for doing homework of gathering up leaves and work on my own agenda. Thanks for wading through my story of the past month