Friday, September 6, 2013

                              LET GOD BE KING AS HE REALLY IS

When I constantly hear and read of certain conditions in the world, it seems things are out of the control of any human beings. I hear daily of Syria where there has been war between people and government that just won't end even after several years; and 120,000 people have died in that conflict and about 2 million are refugees in neighboring countries. In Haiti, about 600,000 people are still displaced 2 years after a hurricane and dependent on outside help for survival. In Iraq, after one dictator is removed, there is still strife with reports of 40-60 people killed in a day, repeatedly. If our country tries to solve Middle East and other problems, it seems hopeless. Our government just can't decide what course of action would be helpful in the short or long run. Trying to help may make things only worse in the future. It seems there is no human answer to these problems. If anything is to happen, it seems God has to intervene and resolve matters and bring sufficiency and peace among people. Or will He just let violent people destroy each other? No answer has been found to resolve these issues.

When the Virgin Mary sang at the coming of the Messiah, she said, “He has brought down rulers from their thrones and lifted up the humble; he has filled the hungry with good things.” I am driven to plead for God to intervene in all this mess if anything is to change anytime soon. I recall Joseph Stalin, the murderer of 20,000,000 people, died suddenly as by the hand of God. I understand people around the world were praying for God to act. Abraham asked, “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?” Is it too much to plead with God to take action where only he can end the bloodshed and violence. “Be the Lord and King of King that you really are,” we can plead.

    Certainly we pray for God's people to wake up and also act responsibly to alleviate the hunger and desperate needs of multitudes made refugees by strife and disasters. But God must move by his mighty arm to bring justice and relief to multitudes in dire need for security and the daily needs for survival. What if God's people would join together and cry out to God to resolve conflicts while committing themselves to be faithful in the things they could do to minister to the needs of the destitute? Consider joining us in pleading for God to act and bring down strongholds of oppressive governments and bind hostilities which only increase suffering. May He also stir his people to do what they can in his kingdom to let it come to all suffering mankind. May he comfort those in desperate need and open their eyes to his concern for them so they can call on him for help.