Friday, August 12, 2016

                                                            God Was There

Even after so many years of being a believer, I still wonder sometimes why God seems to be doing so little about devastating world conditions. We talk about this in our morning devotions and pray. But I don't often feel his actions in my own personal life. Well this morning something happened I will never forget.

We were working at a rental unit and I was attempting to move a very heavy door down the stairs. It could have weighed close to a hundred pounds, quite a load for an old man. I had it balanced at a landing several steps from the top and was trying to get it in position where I could slide it down the stairs on the edge of the door. As I was trying to get it into position, it suddenly turned on me and came down on me and I went sliding down the stairs,  on my back, head first, with the door at least partly bearing on me. When we, the door and I, came to rest on the the living room floor, I crawled out and stood on my feet with only a slight soreness on my thigh, apparently from bumping down about 8-9 steps. My wrist may also have struck something but with no lingering pain.

My response immediately was “thank you God” that I survived. A minute later another thank you as I realize even more what could have happened, and a third thank you as the truth began to grip me, that if I survived what could have been fractures in legs, hips, even back or neck. Not even a bump on the head as I came down those stairs up side down, totally out of my control. (I might even have been unable to write this from a hospital bed!)

Could I  now doubt God presence and shielding that was I practically unhurt in such a dangerous accident? At home I rehearsed the whole event and shed a few more tears at the goodness of the protection of the hand of God. I hope I will never forget for  moment that God is our protection in daily life. Even daily driving the speed limit can put us within 2-3 seconds of total disaster. Yes, God is our protection always, whether we feel it or not.