Monday, February 11, 2019

                                          How and Why Hochstetlers are Different

I have often wondered what kind of characters my ancestors were. Now I am wondering how their strengths and peculiarities are found in us their descendants, even in me. It is not easy to know a lot about them as they were not writers nor expressive intentionally. They only did their thing in their time, and that is how we have to search out what kind of persons they were. It is therefore a rather subjective matter to glean from their activities and at point meager writings just “who” they were. It seems off hand that they did not uncritically follow others, but did their thing, for better or worse. It could be guessed that they were not highly popular for their individuality, nor genius in their public relations.

Our Immigrant ancestor Jacob left his home in perhaps South Germany in 1738 with his wife and 2 small children. He was only twenty six as he left family and homeland to cross the Atlantic Ocean, hardly expecting ever to return again to family left behind. What courage and confidence he had in making such a life changing decision! We don’t know much about the situation he was leaving, but he was among the first of his faith and family to venture into the “new world.” likely partly because of local hostility to Anabaptist faith. It was only a year after the first of his group had ventured out. He took the chance and his descendants have been affected no doubt by his venturing spirit into the unknown, away from the security of the known..

About 19 years after the above journey, the family was attacked by local “Indians” who murdered two family members and took captive the father and two sons. Legend has it that they could have defended themselves with arms, but refused, standing up for their faith of non violence, contrary to what many would have done then and what would be considered foolish today by many. When the captive son Joseph was with the Indians, he adapted to their way of life and had ambivalent feelings about coming back to his people when he had the opportunity.

We see in these examples character that stood up without regard to conventional thinking and assumptions. They did what they felt was good and right, no doubt going beyond their fears and doubts and the likely attempts of others of less courage and conviction to persuade them otherwise.

It could be assumed then, that the descendants of these pioneering ancestor would continue in this disciplined individualism in faith and life. It may appear that many of the present day family are also free to be themselves and not subject to conventional assumptions. We see this in the way our family in the past two generations has gone global, both in geography and ethnic intermarriage. There are now prospects of DNA from six continents and persons having lived in various countries and in many states away from their parents. They feel unbounded by family to the land of their birth.

Yet paradoxically, the Hochstetler family is still one family and keeps in close contact, using both travel and social media to relate, often on a daily basis. There is a basis of family awareness from the time of being children and maturation, aware of the close family and the broader family. This is also based on a strong religious foundation that is share almost universally. We have a cultural, biological, and religious foundation for remaining unified in a binding way while remaining free to make individual decisions of life.

It seem then that we are not culturally bound to local conventions of life, but free to move about in our own way within the limits of the values of the larger family. We do not take for granted that the way we have always lived, or where, is the way we have to, yet within the parameters of faith and family values.

It is also true that we are free to choose religious affiliations within the limits of our basic faith. We are not denominationally bound, but adhere to a basic faith handed down to us. Our families are geared to pass on faith values, again allowing for “disciplined individualism”. We are free to make decisions and not tied to tradition ultimately in the specific fellowship of our faith. We do not take for granted the specific shape of the working our of our faith on cultural matters unrelated to our basic faith.

It is likely our families along with our faith that makes us unique or at least peculiar among many peoples. There is a balance between structure and freedom, with responsibility at the core. This is in the context of our faith. Our families are not perfect in the process of growing up, but core values of faith responsibility are paramount. There is the confidence that as we follow our parents we will be doing the right thing.

Monday, February 4, 2019

                                              What is Heaven Like In My Mind?
                                                          (My Imagination)

For at least two thousand years people have tried to picture Heaven- the next life after this one. The final book of the Bible has the most vivid images found anywhere. Some take it literally and quite accurately according to our capacity to picture it as a most beautiful place. I suppose my thinking has evolved beyond those images although not eliminating any of those pictures. I want to share some of the details that have come to me in the past years from various experiences and suggestions.

We used to think of Heaven as somewhere up there far away from earth. Some years ago I learned that Gerald Destine, whom we have met only a few times, believed that heaven will be right here on earth. The Book of Revelation does talk of heaven coming down, apparently to where we are, although there would be a new Heaven and a new earth. So maybe it would be right here, renewed.

But how much of the here would continue or resemble the new Earth/Heaven? Some years ago as I was walking through our orange farm in Belize on a Sunday morning in an atmosphere of worship, I suddenly exclaimed, “God are you enjoying this as much as I am?” I went back home and after that, made a map of every tree on the farm, as much as possible, and entitled it, “Our Garden of God.” God made the earth as he wanted it to be, the way he enjoyed it, and the way his image in man would appreciate it as much as he could comprehend it. I have often been enthralled by the wild flowers in natures, in hidden places where no man would ever see them. God must have planted them for his own bountiful enjoyment. So if this is what he wanted man to enjoy even as he does, why would not Heaven be in the pattern of nature as we appreciate it?

Certainly there would be major differences. There would be no heat or cold that would make us uncomfortable. Either we or temperatures would come together comfortably. Our bodies might change, or the weather might! There are also matters of time and space that will be different. Time is a measurement of duration for man's sake so he can tell when things are happening as life here has limited duration. In eternity, time will not be a factor. As God is the light and there will be no need for the sun, according to Scripture, there will be no day or night- just the perpetual light of God's presence- everywhere. Somehow, space also will no longer be a barrier to fellowship either. We will not be limited in traveling ability, but as spirits, we will crisscross distance without reference to space limitations of gravity or inertia. There will also be eternity to meet all the people we knew here and so there will be no longing to meet anyone without being able to access them any time as time will be no more.

On the question of Heaven being on earth. I suppose it is also more plausible with my experience in Belize where we were closer to nature unspoiled. And now back here in Indiana, having the fortunate experience of enjoying our own little Garden of God where we live. It just seems that nature altered a bit would be heaven. There is also our retirement which enlightens our view of heaven. All our needs are supplied without necessitating work. We tend the land as no doubt Adam was to do in the original Garden of God. Just “tending it” so we. It is activity but not work. It is at our leisure, not of our necessity. It is to make this Garden more as we like it, a right God has entrusted to us in making us co-maintainer of his earth. So Heaven will also find us moving about in joyful activity in a glorious Nature environment.
Certainly Heaven is much more than I can pictured here. At least this maybe a beginning as Heaven may be. It would be absurd to assume any close picture of all God has prepared for us. What about the restoration of our personalities which will be renewed and healed , enabling us to relate in joyous harmony with all people? What about the full knowledge and experience of God's love? What of knowing those of the rest of God's creation in other worlds? There will be so much more than we can imagine in the best of our dreams. But it is exciting to start dreaming!